(too old to reply)
2004-10-19 02:48:41 UTC

I am looking for a decent CDRW, in good condition. The speed is not
important, an
8x8x.. will do just fine.
Should preferably have buffer underrun protection.
Must be in very good condition and I can meet downtown or in NDG

Please send offers to

2004-10-20 02:56:17 UTC
Future shop a un BenQ CRW5232W 52X 32X 52X CD-R/RW Internal Drive pour
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Post by alex
I am looking for a decent CDRW, in good condition. The speed is not
important, an
8x8x.. will do just fine.
Should preferably have buffer underrun protection.
Must be in very good condition and I can meet downtown or in NDG
Please send offers to
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.779 / Virus Database: 526 - Release Date: 19-10-2004
2004-10-20 03:57:47 UTC
Yes, I know, thanks for that.
Its just that I dont have money right now, and the drive has
a $35 mail in rebate (over that $19.99... Which I cant afford
right now (I'm a poor student :)

Any ideea on how long does that take ?
(Futureshop mail in rebates with BenQ ?
Post by Roger
Future shop a un BenQ CRW5232W 52X 32X 52X CD-R/RW Internal Drive pour
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Post by alex
I am looking for a decent CDRW, in good condition. The speed is not
important, an
8x8x.. will do just fine.
Should preferably have buffer underrun protection.
Must be in very good condition and I can meet downtown or in NDG
Please send offers to
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.779 / Virus Database: 526 - Release Date: 19-10-2004
2004-10-20 07:13:26 UTC
Post by alex
Any ideea on how long does that take ?
Forget about mail in rebate as that mean they really don't want to sell the
product, if you have to chase them down for your rebate you have to call
Toronto and that departement does not speak french, a friend of mine is
still waiting after 2 years on a $150 mail in rebate on a PC.

I myself wanted wireless headphones and at $99 the price was right so i
walked to the cash and the clerk charged me $129 + tax i sais what and she
said you get a $30 mail in rebate i immediatly cancelled and said to the
clerk i will find a real $99 price elsewhere and keep the $30 + interest in
my own bank account.
2004-10-20 14:02:30 UTC
Chez Frosty's à $35 (taxes incluses)
Post by Roger
Future shop a un BenQ CRW5232W 52X 32X 52X CD-R/RW Internal Drive pour
** Ge sé ke g'sui poury an frensai écri **
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Post by alex
I am looking for a decent CDRW, in good condition. The speed is not
important, an
8x8x.. will do just fine.
Should preferably have buffer underrun protection.
Must be in very good condition and I can meet downtown or in NDG
Please send offers to
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.779 / Virus Database: 526 - Release Date: 19-10-2004
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